- I am a quantitative engineer by passion.
- Proficient in Python, C++, JavaScript, Rust, and Database.
- I have hands-on experience in designing and backtesting trading strategies, as well as implementing them in Python.
- I am familiar with major financial markets and instruments, including stocks, options, futures, and crypto currencies.
- I have experience with popular libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib, as well as with Quant libaries libraries such as Quantlib, Zipline, Vnpy, AioQuant and Wondertrader.
- I have a strong understanding of statistical concepts and machine learning techniques, including risk management, portfolio optimization, and factor models.
- I am the constructor and author of several free and quantitative open source tools
Personal Traits
- 🧑 酷爱量化投资,现居上海。
- 🖥️ 专注股票,期货,期权,Crypto, 全栈工程师。
- 🤯 酷爱折腾,有极 强的⾃我学习能⼒与问题解决能⼒,也有很重的代码洁癖。
- 🎮 数码爱好者,喜欢折腾电脑
- 💡 我通常会将我的学习过程总结为项目或博客文章的形式,并乐意与他人分享。当其他人学习该技术时,可以参照我的项目或文章,我认为这非常有意义。
What I can do for you
- 量化策略定制 (支持平台,金字塔/文华WH8/Trading View)
- Python/C++代码开发
- Next.js/Nuxt.js/React/Vue前端开发
- FastAPI/Flask后端开发
- 数据库管理(Postgres/ClickHouse)